Brennstoffpellets aus regionalen Reststoffen


Programme Applied Environmental Research of Bremen; Senator für Umwelt, Bau und Verkehr (SUBV)

Project Duration:

01.09.2013 – 31.12.2015

Project Manager:

Steffen Noack

Project Partners:

abc solution GmbH & Co. KG; Nehlsen GmbH & Co. KG, ttz Bremerhaven
Local adapted solid fuel design using residues.

In order to fulfill the guidelines of the German Government to increase the share of renewable energy in the whole energy consumption, the project CoPAS (Containerbasierter Pellet Analysestand) was developed.

The idea is to create a semi-mobile laboratory to locally analyse biomass and their possibility to be pelletised. This allows, in combination with a customized software tool, to determine an innovative ratio of ingredients and herewith guarantee the necessary level of quality for the production of pellets.

At the beginning of the project a sustainability pilot study takes place. This pilot study embraces an analysis of the economic and ecological effects of pelletising industrial and agro-industrial biomass residues in Bremen and its region. The results will be opposed to common and current treatment alternatives like biogas production or composting. If the outcomes fulfill all sustainability requirements, a concept of a semimobile laboratory will be produced. The last step is to create recipes, in accordance to DIN EN 14961-6, for pellets of non-wooden residual materials. The project started in autumn 2013.

Based on the certification of the pellets, the solid recovered fuel is able to substitute fossil fuels as well in medium-sized firing systems as in the field of power plants. The development of an economic and ecological appropriation concept for pelletised and biogenic solid recovered fuel is on the one hand beneficial for the production of green energy and on the other hand it offers a disposal alternative for industrial residual materials.

To sum it up, the semimobile laboratory enlarges the data basis of regional available residual material and allows a quick first assessment of pelletizable biomass on a local basis. This results, in combination with the receipt development, in a fast location evaluation.

Kontakt Sensorik & Konsumentenforschung

Imke Matullat

Kompetenzfeldmanagerin Sensorik und Konsumentenforschung

Lengstraße 3
27572 Bremerhaven

+49 471 80934-200

+49 471 80934-299

Kontakt Verfahrenstechnik

Faraz Rasheed Mir

Kompetenzfeldmanager Verfahrenstechnik

Knurrhahnstraße 22 – 24
27572 Bremerhaven

+49 471 80934-200

+49 471 80934-199


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